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Join the Family and Become A Proud Sponsor of Georgia Mountain Music!

Let our listeners know how much you appreciate our local mountain music through advertising on our station. Your support enables us to continue promoting our wonderful heritage and provides an opportunity for you to showcase your business to the public. You'll be surprised to discover how easy and affordable it is to advertise on Georgia Mountain Radio. Just contact us at ___________ for more information. Your advertising dollars will go a long way toward helping us promote our community and our good ole mountain music!  

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Do you have 30 seconds? 

30 seconds. That’s how long it takes to read this column, and during that same 30 seconds, a commercial for your business could be airing on Georgia Mountain Radio, reaching people all across North Georgia and beyond. Each listener is a potential new customer hearing about your business and discovering your products or services. That’s the power of radio advertising.

In this era of new media and increased competition for attention, we excell because we can reach people on their phone, in their car, and at their workplace; places where television and video usually cannot. Plus, advertising on Georgia Mountain Radio is much more affordable and helps support area musicians and our mountain culture. 


Call or email today for a free no-obligation, no-pressure consultation, to learn how Georgia Mountain Radio can help your company grow and prosper!

For inquiries regarding sales and sponsorship opportunities, contact:

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Coming Soon...

Coming soon...

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